Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Pre-Order Jackson Galaxy and Kate Benjamin's Catification Book and Help Cats

I've been excited about Jackson Galaxy and Kate Benjamin's upcoming book Catification: Designing a Happy and Stylist Home for Your Cat (and You!) for quite some time. I'm always looking for ways to appease my kitties and create more comfortable, fun and interesting spaces in my home for them. I was thrilled when I received my advance copy in the mail recently, and immediately set off to see how I could further catify my home. It seemed the actual book was all Saffy needed.

Catladyland's catification tip: Place book on sofa and watch cat enjoy surface.

But in all seriousness, the book is so cool! It begins by helping the reader understand their cats and their needs. This is important because it totally guides the catification process. Most all felines are alike in some respects; however, each cat is an individual with his or her own likes, dislikes, comforts and experiences. These are all aspects needed to take into account, and the Catification book helps us understand all of this. Throughout the book, cat-style maven Kate and Cat-Daddy Jackson offer tips and observations, which I loved. It really felt like they were sitting beside me, looking through pages together.

I enjoyed the reader-submitted catification projects because they each reflected a personal style and assured me all the projects are not super time-consuming or involved. You see, I'm not super-handy, and honestly, neither is my husband. There are definitely some ideas that would make Handy Andys (and Andreas) drool, but are also some really simple ones like placing basic shelves on the wall to help cats gain height. I think most of us can handle that -- I believe I can safely swing a hammer. I just realized how violent that "swing a hammer" phrase sounds. I promise to swing softly ... maybe with some Fleet Foxes playing in the background.

Catification is scheduled for publication October 14, but you can pre-order it! And there's a benefit to your awesome pre-order: For each pre-order, Tarcher / Penguin will donate $1 to! That means you get a great book, and you contribute to an organization committed to helping bring pet overpopulation to an end. Plus, your pre-order scores you discounts toward purchases on Kate's Hauspanther site, as well as Jackson Galaxy's own site. Email your digital receipt or a photo-image of your paper receipt to to receive your discount codes.

Pre-order your copy of Catification on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, or from your favorite bookseller!

Speaking of Jackson Galaxy, he will be a guest on our good friends' blog radio show, Pets Teach Us So Much tomorrow, July 31 at 6:00 PM, ET. He'll be discussing the One Picture Saves a Life Project and the free event at North Shore Animal League America in Port Washington, NY on Sunday, August 3. Be sure and tune in!

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