
Monday, February 24, 2014

Phoebe Does Not Approve of Government Paperwork, But Does Endorse BlogPaws

So last week I had to complete some state revenue paperwork in order to sell my book, whiskerslist: the kitty classifieds, at a local pet expo. In general, I'm not a fan of filling out paperwork -- really, who is? If there's a person out there who totally gets their jollies by populating fields with information, especially when it's government-related, please come forward. Perhaps I can magically absorb some of your mystical mojo.

Phoebe sided with me with regard to the government paperwork, and promptly populated the fields with her fuzzy butt.

Guess what's not hard to do and way more fun than the government? Registering for the BlogPaws conference! Seriously, folks -- whether you're an experienced pet blogger, a beginner, or even considering first-time diving into the blogosphere, this is the place to be.

BlogPaws 2013: Here I am with Stephanie and the one and only Snotface Ferret. Good times!

There are cool speakers, lots of friendly people (and some pets!), awards and really great food. Don't even get me started on the cheesecake. Here are some things you can do to get involved in BlogPaws even before the conference, as well as make plans for the May conference in Vegas.

1. Join the BlogPaws community. This is a fantastic way to meet fellow pet bloggers, ask questions, find out about current events and learn all kinds of interesting tidbits. 

2. Attend a Tuesday night (except for third Tuesday) Twitter #BlogPawsChat, from 8-10:00 PM, EST. 

3. Register for the conference! You'll even get a 10% discount when you use the code: BlogPaws2014-Angie-10. You want to act fast -- last year the conference completely sold out.

I'm an official BlogPaws Ambassador, so feel free to ask me any questions -- I'm happy to help! I promise all of this is way easier and a ton more exciting than filling out government paperwork. And it's Phoebe-approved!

Phoebe enjoyed the swag AND the bag I brought back from BlogPaws!

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