Monday, September 30, 2013

My Cat Gets an A+ in Persistence

This photo is a big part of what my work day looks like. I write from home each day and Cosmo's "work" is begging for an invitation into my lap, and then jumping down -- rinse, repeat. And this goes on all day long. At least he's persistent. I'll have to mention that on his next performance review.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Cat Was "on" Oprah

Phoebe spent some time "on" Oprah and thought is was a giant snoozefest.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Party in the Bathroom

The cats can be totally out of sight, but as soon as I go to the bathroom, this happens. It's like the toilet suddenly has a magnetic field that pulls them in. Ask me why I don't close the door. Go ahead and ask me. Ha, you're kidding, right?

Friday, September 27, 2013

Mittens Gets Around!

Yesterday, my Texts from Mittens column from Catster hit BuzzFeed, as well as a few other sites! So exciting that people are loving this snarky cat and his text-happy paws. If you aren't reading the column, or any of the amazing posts on Catster, you really should.

Here's a link to the BuzzFeed post.

Photo Source: Catster

Thursday, September 26, 2013

What Happens When I Get Up to Go to the Bathroom

This is what happens when I get up to go to the bathroom.

This is what happens when I get back.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Favorite Shoes

I don't remember where I bought them, but I know you can find them here.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Stink-Eye, Dog Breath, and Peace Offerings

Yesterday I returned from the week-long whiskerslist: the kitty classifieds book tour and, just as expected, was met with a little bit of stink-eye from the three feline amigos.

Phoebe dishes out the stink.

I think they somehow knew this had happened:

Dog breath!

Good thing I came home with goodies. 

Hey -- I had to bring goodies for the humans too. Cuts down on the stink-eye.

Monday, September 23, 2013

I'm Easily Forgiven ... Eventually

I've been on the road promoting whiskerslist: the kitty classifieds for an entire week, and today I'm heading home. This is the face I expect to "greet" me when I walk through the door. Yeah, he thinks he's gonna make me pay ... until he sees all the cat show goodies I brought home for him. Funny how that works.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Cat's Need for Speed

Phoebe has a secret life ... and a need for speed.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Come Home to the Stink Eye

I'm going to spend the next two days at a cat show in Wisconsin, signing copies of whiskerslist: the kitty classifieds. I'm looking forward to seeing all the kitties and talking to cat lovers; however, my cats are not amused. After my being gone for a week-long book tour, they're ready for me to come home. I can feel the stink-eye from across two states.

Friday, September 20, 2013


Welcome to Rabbitladyland! Whilst on the whiskerslist: the kitty classifieds book tour, I stayed at the home of some dear friends who share their lives with bunnies. This little girl, Wheezie, is just like a cat or dog. She totally snuggles up at your feet and even licks you! I totally wanted to sneak her into my suitcase.

Somehow, I don't think my husband would be so thrilled if I can home toting a bunny; however maybe I can pass her off as Saffy's long lost cousin?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The 411 on Hills Grain-Free Cat Food ... and a Giveaway!


What we choose to feed our cats is a personal preference. We all want the best for our fuzzbutts and make cat food decisions based on many factors, including budget, research, convenience or special needs. Catladyland is not here to tell you what to feed your cats; however, from time to time, we're happy to present options we feel good about, knowing you will make the best decision for you and your cat. Don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you what to do. Capiche?

"Grain-free" is such a buzz term, right? For humans and pets alike. But what does grain-free cat food mean and can we expect each pet food company to define the term in the same way? So much to think about! Fear not, friends. I have a little bit of information to share with you, in the hopes that you will walk away from our time together feeling a little more informed. It's fun to feel smart!

Hill's asked me to be a part of a blogger outreach campaign and occasionally share information with you. I said yes because 1) Last year I visited Hills' headquarters and was impressed with the science behind their food, 2) My Saffy has been eating a Hills' prescription diet for a few years, so I feel kind of like we're friends and 3) I am always up for learning new things ... and it's fun to feel smart!

"Hills food is alive ... with the sound of 'grain-free.'"

Yeah, I just busted out a sweet Sound of Music parody. But I think it's a swell segue into the next section. And I wanted to gift you with an earworm this morning. You're welcome.

Some cats have sensitivities to grains that can cause skin irritations or upset stomachs. The first thing you need to know is this: Grain free is not the same as carb-free or that the food is somehow high in protein. You might assume that, but you'd be wrong. Grains are sometimes replaced with ingredients like sweet potatoes, which provide similar -- or even higher -- carbohydrate levels. Here's the scoop: No matter what you decide to feed your cat, what's important is that it's precisely balanced to provide optimum nutrition.

Guess what? With Hills new grain-free cat food, you don't have to worry about balance because they've already done the research and wrapped it all up in a pretty bag that looks like this:

Photo courtesy of Hills Science Diet

It's a gain-free food whose first ingredient is CHICKEN, and there are no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. How cool is that? The grain-free natural ingredients in Science Diet support healthy kidneys, immune system and good visions, while providing nourishment for a radiant and lustrous skin and coat.

Hills has given Catladyland readers a chance to try this new grain-free cat food. Well, it's really for the cats to try, but I won't say anything if you try a nibble. Here are the details:

Four winners (U.S. and Canada only, please) will have an opportunity to win 10-pounds of Science Diet Adult Grain Free food. You must leave a comment on this post, indicating you'd like to be considered and please include an email address so we can contact you. The giveaway runs through 11:59 p.m. CDT September 27. The winners are chosen via Randomizer, and will have 48 hours to reply to the email. 

Best of luck!

This post is sponsored by Hills. I'm being compensated for helping spread the word about Hills Science Diet for cats; however, Catladyland only shares information they feel is relevant to their readers. Hills Pet Nutrition, Inc. is not responsible for the content of this article.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Miss Moneybags

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How You Can Help Animals Affected by Colorado Floods

By now you've heard about the devastation left behind in the tragic Colorado floods. We are proud to be a part of the BlogPaws Disaster Response Network, a group of bloggers who help get the word out about ways to help animals in areas affected by disasters. The headquarters of BlogPaws is located in Frederick, CO and, although some of the area has sustained much damage, they've managed to remain safe and dry.

On Monday, 21 helicopters were used for evacuations, and so far, 11,750 have been evacuated. The flood continues to spread across 200 miles, affecting 15 counties. Currently 36 shelters have opened their doors to displaced people and animals.

In addition to the local rescue efforts, other pet-related companies have extended their aid.

  • Today, Freekibble is donating 100% of Halo kibble raised to benefit those affected by the floods. Please take the time to visit the site -- this is a free and easy way for you to help.
  • Hill's Pet Nutrition is working to enact their Disaster Relief Network, which will provide much-needed dog and cat food to the area. 

BlogPaws has linked several organizations that are offering relief efforts to which you can donate ... or at least share their information. And you can always click the "Helping Pets in the Colorado Flooding" badge located at the top of this blog.

When disaster strikes, it's more important than ever to come together as a community. Please join Catladyland and BlogPaws in making a difference for those affected by the devastating floods.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Hittin' the Road!

Yesterday was the first official book-signing for whiskerslist: the kitty classifieds! It was at a Barnes & Noble here in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, and was a success! It was fun to see friends who came out, and many people stopped by just to swap cat stories.


Today I take off for my mini book tour to promote the book -- I'm super-excited! I plan to see some friends along the way and meet some new people at signings. Plus, I'll be on TV tomorrow morning in Milwaukee! For a list of next week's events, take a look at my author site.

Phoebe makes a statement about my suitcase.

Order my new cat humor book, whiskerslist: the kitty classifieds!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Crafty Cats on the Loose

I'm getting ready to head out on a mini book tour for whiskerslist and wanted to bring some cat treats to give to event attendees. Our friend Sparkle's human reminded me of the awesome and easy nip knots. Sparkle shared how to make them on her blog, and I wrote a post that included a version of them on Catster. Easy-peasy -- you should totally make them.

So my kids and I were making these nip knots yesterday. Have you ever tried to create homemade catnip toys with cats around? Yeah, go ahead and laugh because it was a hysterical mess. Not only did all three go nuts when the nip aroma wafted through the air, Phoebe decided she's park her butt on top of the fleece we needed to cut. Look at that indignant face. What do you think she's saying? Whatever it is, you can bet it was steeped in sass.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Photoshopped? Nope. Just a Gem of a Moment

Those of you who don't really know my cats may cast your eyes upon this photo and say, "What a delightful pic!" Anyone who's spent any time around my brood will take one look and say, "Hey Ang, nice Photoshopping job!" Haha.

You see, friends, despite the shadow cast by Friday the 13th, I found myself quite lucky to score this golden moment via the magic of my iPhone's handy camera. Phoebe would rather endure 50 car rides to the vet than lie within ten feet of Saffy. Cosmo's pretty neutral and doesn't want to get on either of the girls' bad side (smart guy). So to nail a pretty OK photo of the three of them inhabiting the same piece of furniture is a total score, and one for the ages.

So please, join me in reveling in this gem of a moment.

Order my new cat humor book, whiskerslist: the kitty classifieds!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sick Cat Wears "Panties" in the Sun

After a visit to the vet and some meds, Mr. Cosmo is on his way to feeling 100%. Thanks to everyone who sent well-wishes. Now he can take it easy and sun his sweet little butt.

Please enjoy this photo of The Cos, in which you have a particularly awesome view of his "panties."

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cats are Total Starecases

On Thursdays I usually post a new Cat Truth photo. This morning, my sweet Cosmo isn't feeling well and I'm a bit distracted. So instead, please enjoy this "vintage" Cat Truth featuring my man, Cos.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Kissable Kitty Muzzle

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Of Husbands, Pillows and Cat Yawns

Every night before my husband goes to bed, he places a purple pillow on top of a chair for Cosmo. He could just let him sleep on the chair -- it's comfortable enough. But he likes to make sure Cosmo is extra-cozy. This is only one of the reasons he's my guy. I think you can tell a lot about a person just by these little acts. And no, you can't have him. Find your own.

Also, I had less blurry photos, but he's yawning in this one. I can't resist a good yawn -- especially if I get to see kitty teethies.

Monday, September 9, 2013

"I'm Here!"

Saturday was the release party for my new book, whiskerslist: the kitty classifieds. A ton of people showed up and we had a grand old time. As expected, the cats didn't make an appearance until most everyone had cleared out of the house. At the end of the night, I saw Cosmo sitting atop the table that held the books and promotional material. After a long evening, I think he was finally ready to begin signing books ... but everyone was already gone. *sad trombone*

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cat Feet!

The feet!! That is all.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

My Cat Needs a Box Fix, But This is Ridiculous

First of all, the winners of the whiskerslist: kitty classifieds giveaway are: Geoffrey Hooker/Parker, Demecat and Michelle/Feisty! Thank you so much to everyone who entered and you can still purchase your copy of whiskerslist!

Now on to today's post ...

It's no secret that cats love cardboard boxes. I think Phoebe was a little desperate for a box fix yesterday and plopped atop this piece of round cardboard. Poor baby has no boxes or toys. Ha.

Friday, September 6, 2013

There's a Part of My Body That's Coveted Real Estate

Early in the morning, when I'm the only human awake in the house, Cosmo and Phoebe vie for my lap space. Usually, Phoebe wins the coveted real estate. Poor Mr. Cosmo Come Lately saunters over a few minutes after Phoebe's settled in my lap. He "stands up" and props his paws on the chair, giving me total Puss in Boots face. Then Phoebe looks at him like, "Sorry, sucker." And then she goes back to indulging in neck scritches. Cos needs to up his game ... or I need to get a bigger lap.

Also, I wanted to let you know that Friday Fanglish is on hiatus for awhile (if you are unfamiliar with Fanglish, go have a look at this dictionary of cat slang). I'm super-busy with the new book right now and am trying to simplify a little. Speaking of the book ... have you secured your copy? Also make sure and check out the new interactive whiskerslist site!


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Cats Curse Our Drinking Devices

Having cats, we know they tend to be big tippers, right? It takes us humans a while to figure things out sometimes, but after a few liquid catastrophes, we know something has to happen. We're not about to stop drinking liquids, so instead we decide it might be a smart idea to use a cup or a bottle with a lid. Cats curse our lidded drinking devices, not only because they can no longer dip a paw inside or tip them over, but because they know we won that one.

For more Cat Truths, click here.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Cats are Funny ... and Weird!

If you read Catladyland, you agree with me on at least one point: Cats are funny. You know what else? Cats are weird! Tell you something you don't know, right? I constantly giggle at my three felines' shenanigans because they're both funny and weird.

I'm proud that I was chosen to be one of the Pet360 Ambassadors. Fancy, huh? That just means they think our audience is top notch and know you'd appreciate the information I'll share on their behalf. And if there's one thing I know about Catladyland readers, it's that you like fun information. And you're fancy. Maybe that's two, but that's OK. Knowing two things is definitely better than just knowing one.

Cats are so kneady! Source: Pet360

Speaking of knowing things, Pet360 shared some cool information with me about some weird cat habits. For example, my Cosmo stops, drops and rolls as soon as I come home. It never fails to make me laugh! I know it's because he's happy to see me, but there's a little more to it and Pet360 came through with some additional explanation.

Roly-poly Cosmo!

And kneading, or as we like to call it in our house, "making biscuits?" My cat doesn't actually want to bake for me, although I wish he would -- I love biscuits. There's a reason behind the kneading.

We're weird? YOU'RE weird!

Anyhow, I was given the opportunity to share a bit of information with you today and, of course, the weird nature of cats immediately spoke to me. Click over to Pet360 to read more about our whiskered weirdos!

This post is sponsored by Pet360. I am being compensated for spreading the word about, but Catladyland only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's a Big Day!

Yes! Today is a huge day for Catladyland! It's the release date for my new cat humor book, whiskerslist: the kitty classifieds!

You may have been out of town for the holiday weekend, so I'm going to share the link for the whiskerslist giveaway again. That's right -- we're giving away THREE copies! You must click here for details.

Thank you for supporting me since I began this blog in 2009. I honestly couldn't have done this without the strong and loyal readership here are Catladyland.

Join me in celebration of the release, as well as all things kitty-cat-silly!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Laboring Hard ... at Looking Annoyed

It's Labor Day here in the United States and, as you can see, Phoebe is laboring excruciatingly hard ... at looking annoyed at me. She's all, "I'm trying to sleep -- can you please put that thing away??"

Oh, and apparently just the top third of her body felt chilled.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

No White Shoes After Labor Day!

I took this photo of Phoebe's little feet and posted it on the Catladyland Facebook page last night. I cannot tell you how much I love this pic. I could stare at her feet all day long. They're so dainty and look like little shoes. My favorite comment from the Facebook post came from a reader named Susan: "No white shoes after Labor Day!" Well, I think I'll make an exception for Pheebs.

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