Pets create stains and smells. We love them to death, but don't tell me you haven't stepped in something squishy and hopped on one foot across the room to rinse your foot in the tub. Thankfully my cats don't "go" outside the litter boxes; however, one of my little darlings loves to practically inhale her food, resulting in the occasional vomit puddle. Look familiar?
When we built our house ten years ago we knew we wanted carpet that would sort-of, kind-of hide stains...after all, we shared our home with cats AND small children. If someone spilled juice or peed (cats
or kids), we did our best to clean the mess and then hoped no one noticed the stains because of our awesome camoflaugey berber carpet. Stains happened, we scrubbed, and the carpet pretty effectively hid the aftermath. But was the stain
really gone? Probably not. I did the best with what I knew and what I had on hand. I am grateful for this carpet with every fiber (carpet humor...haha) of my being, but it would be nice to have a cleaner that is safe for kids and pets
and does a nice job removing stains and odors.
Clean + Green offers a complete line of pet stain and odor removers made of organic and biodegradable ingredients. Even the can is recyclable! They recently offered me the opportunity to try one of their products and host a giveaway to Catladyland readers; of course I was curious about the Carpet & Upholstery cleaner so I gave it a go. After receiving the can in the mail, it wasn't long before a I heard the telltale hacking, followed by the opportunity to use the new cleaner.
Phoebe and Cosmo inspect the scene. |
After spraying on a hidden area to test for color fastness and removing excess liquid from the impending stain, I sprayed the cleaner directly on the area and allowed it to dry. There was no need to scrub!
After the first time around, I found I needed to spray the area again (the instructions advise a repeat may be necessary).
After the first round |
After the second try, the results were better.
After the second round |
Although I am pretty pleased with the results, I may actually try a third time. What I love about this product is I don't have to worry about my cats smelling or licking something that may be harmful for them. My kids are teenagers now so I hope I don't have to be concerned about them going around smelling and licking the carpet. Teenagers are known to exhibit pretty strange behavior, though... Whatever the case, I am satisfied with the results and am happy to offer one lucky reader a
chance to win any product in the Clean + Green line!
Click to view their entire line of eco-friendly products!
Giveaway Details:
- You must comment WITH YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS and indicate interest in qualifying for the giveaway.
- The giveaway opens at 8am Central today(7/24/12) and closes at 11:59pm Central on Sunday, 7/29/2012.
- The giveaway is open to readers in the 48 states.
- Once contacted, you will have 48 hours to respond or another name will be drawn.
- Winners will be chosen via
Good luck!
Catladyland is a finalist in the Funniest Blog or Blogger category in the Dogtime's 2012 Pettie Awards! Last year we won and donated the cash award to Feline Rescue, Inc. If we win this year, we will donate it Kitten Associates! You can vote every day and it's EASY! Thank you!
I was not paid to write this review, although Clean + Green gave me a free bottle of product. The opinions here are my own.