Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday Fanglish Lesson!

Fanglish Friday means you get brand new cat slang vocabulary terms! Grab your pencils and paper!

Counter Culture 
The social norms and values of counter-cruising felines

The Lady completely destroyed our counter culture when she began putting the butter dish in the pantry.

Ear Might
The cocking of a sleeping cat's ear as she hears a human address her and considers if she might wake up or if she might not

Snowball showed an ear might when The Lady called her from the other room.

Click for previous lessons.

Be sure to check back next Friday (behind closed doors, of course) for your next lesson in the feline lingo known as Fanglish!

Hey, guess what?? Catladyland is a finalist in the Funniest Blog or Blogger category in the Dogtime's 2012 Pettie Awards! Last year we won and donated the cash award to Feline Rescue, Inc. If we win this year, we will donate it Kitten Associates!

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