
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Chronicles of Zee & Zoey: A Perfect Message for the Holiday Season

As cat lovers, we know felines have the miraculous ability to know exactly when we need extra love and encouragement, hop in our lap when we most crave comfort, and, ultimately, change our lives in ways we'd never imagined. This is what happens to author Deborah Barnes and her two and four-legged family in her new book, The Chronicles of Zee & Zoey.

Through each of the visually stunning pages, Deb takes us along on her journey than spans several years and several cats, all leading up to the love story that is Zee and Zoey. Zee, a magnificent male Maine Coon fell ears over tail when he met high-spirited female Bengal, Zoey. What happened after that was what Deb herself calls, "the extraordinarily ordinary," although the effects of these cats on each other, as well as the humans around them is far from mundane.

Through job loss and financial challenges, Zee and Zoey remind Deb and those around her what's really important: maintaining a positive attitude and a sense of humor, unconditional love and support, the power of a strong family unit, and the undeniable influence of Ellen Degeneres.

The Chronicles of Zee & Zoey is a definite must for your Christmas list. During the time of year that seems to be overshadowed by "stuff," this heartwarming book is an excellent reminder to look beyond the material world and embrace the "extraordinarily ordinary."

So go ahead, support an independent author this holiday season, spread the love, and maybe even change a life! Visit Zee & Zoey's site where you can catch up on the latest mews, as well as purchase the beautiful, inspirational new book as a gift for yourself or a loved one! And don't miss Deb's virtual book tour, coming to you through December 16th!

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