Friday, March 18, 2011

Nibbles-n-Bits: Cat Chat With Caren and Cody

Welcome to Nibbles-n-Bits, Catladyland's bite-sized interview feature!  Today I am particularly excited about the interview because it is with one of my favorite people.  Many of you already know Caren Gittleman, the fun, friendly, and knowledgeable co-author of Cat Chat.  I say co-author because if you read Cat Chat, you know her cat Cody is just as knowledgeable and (sorry, Caren) even cuter than his super-cute mama!

Caren and Cody's posts are enlightening, humorous, and I must add they are phenomenal about promoting other blogs and sharing information that is relevant and interesting.  Want to know more about Caren?  Of course you do!

Catladyland: What is the mission of Cat Chat?

Caren: Good question! The mission of my blog is to be a warm and welcoming place where other cat lovers can come to read funny stories, learn about important issues pertaining to cats, learn health information from cat experts (guest bloggers), and see funny photos/videos. It's a place where they can be touched, inspired, or made to laugh. I named it "Cat Chat" (and later added "With Caren & Cody") so that it could be a place where people can come and "chat" about all things "cat"

Catladyland: If Cody were a human, who would he be?

Caren: My brother and I always say that my dad is being channeled through Cody. My dad (whom I adored) passed in 2001 and was a curmudgeon!! He was an Editorial Cartoonist at The Plain Dealer in Cleveland for 30 years, (Ray Osrin), he was known all throughout the country. He was snide, sarcastic (guess they are one and the same)....he could give looks that could kill! He was funny and when he loved you he REALLY loved and cared about you. People used to say he looked like Ernest Hemmingway (I have attached a photo) that I am thinking about it for a famous human movie star he would be: Clark Gable, Cody is tough and loving at the same time, cunning and "Frankly my dear he doesn't give a damn!!!" Musician? Hmmmm.....that is a tough one. I think he is more of an actual song than a musician....for a song it would be "Food Glorious Food" from the musical "Oliver" with music and lyrics by Lionel Bart. Ohhhh I got it! Of course!! He would be "Prince" because when I adopted him his name was "Prince!" He is "the cat formerly known as "Prince!!!"

Catladyland: Fill in the blank:  Don't mind me, I'm just: _______________________.

Caren: "Don't mind me, I'm just "ME", "I am what I am and that's all that I am!!" Love me or hate me, I gotta be "ME!!"

If you aren't already one of the many Cat Chat fans, you should definitely hope over for a visit and don't forget the Cat Chat Facebook page! Thanks, Caren for giving Catladyland readers a peek into the brain of Cat Chat's co-author! Give Cody our best -- we're sure he will approve of all your answers.


  1. HI! I came over from Caren and Cody's page. What a nice interview. Caren has been a wonderful friend to me, and it's nice to read a little bit more about her.



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