Thursday, March 31, 2011

We Love Moderncat Toys! Would You Like to Win One?

Who doesn't love new toys? My cats were pleased as punch when Moderncat sent us a sample toy pack and asked us to write a review.  Here are the goodies that arrived in the toybox:

A Modkicker

Jute Bomb

Atomic Flyer

Felt Roller

The cats were immediately intrigued when I showed them the toys and Cosmo instantly went nuts for the Modkicker.  In fact, it was his and Saffy's favorite.  It is well constructed with designer fabric, felt trim, and filled with organic catnip.  It's been kicked and wrestled dozens of times already and looks as good as new.  What's not to like?

Cosmo gets up-close-and-personal with the Modkicker
Phoebe prefers hunt and chase games and the Jute Bomb was right up her alley.  She tirelessly bats it across the kitchen floor and races up and down the stairs after it.  She literally goes wild for this wonderfully simple cat toy.

"Give me that!!"

The Atomic Flyer was also popular and I knew the Felt Roller was a hit when I found it lying inside the cats' favorite box.

What I like most about the Moderncat toys is the simple, yet designer feel.  Your hipster cats can play the day away with these or any of Moderncat's cool designs found on their Etsy site.  We liked the products so much that Moderncat is offering Catladyland's readers an opportunity to win one of these fabulous feline toys!  I asked my three cats which we should give away and they all agreed the Modkicker would be a great choice.  Cosmo especially wanted me to mention the excellent kickability factor.  He was a little embarrassed to admit to his affinity toward designer fabrics, but I told him you wouldn't mind knowing that. about it?  Who wants to win a Moderncat Modkicker?!  The winner can choose any Modkicker (small or large) from the current selection. Please leave a comment on this post by noon CDT on Sunday, April 3rd and you'll automatically qualify.  The winner will be chosen by an online random number generator and announced on Monday, April 4th.  I will collect your shipping information and Moderncat will mail the prize directly to you, even if you live overseas!

So what are you waiting for?  Comment!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


It is wise to wear protective gear when taking photos with your cats.

courtesy of Cat vs Human

Monday, March 28, 2011

Cosmo's Buns

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Saffy Senses are Tingling

Saturday, March 26, 2011

An Expensive Cat Toy my cats will want a foosball table.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

These Cats Can Dance!

A couple of flashy new front-runners have hit the floor on Dancing With the Stars!  Finally, Phoebe's peculiar panache and Cosmo's smooth moves are recognized...nay, applauded!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Cosmo is Irritated...Again

Share Your Personality and Passion About Cats!

Hey Catladyland friends! I've gotten to know some of you through your blogs and mine and know there are some pretty knowledgeable, vivacious, enthusiastic cat lovers out there. Have you ever thought about turning your abilities and passions into action and earn money doing it?

Purina® Cat Chow® has just the opportunity for you! They recently announced their search for a Purina® Cat Chow® Correspondent. It's a one-year assignment with a $50,000 salary and the perks of traveling around the country connecting with other cat owners, and sharing your expertise and enthusiasm. The further good news is you can enjoy this exciting assignment while keeping your day job! The Purina® Cat Chow® Correspondent’s experiences will be shared via and Purina Cat Chow’s social media channels including Facebook and Flickr.

From now until March 28, 2011, you can apply to be the Purina Cat Chow Correspondent on The application process is simple and no formal training or expertise is required to apply. All you have to do is complete a brief application and upload a photo of yourself and your cat to be considered for the position.

Now cool is that?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ever Seen a Lazy Cat Fight?

I want to fight with you, honest I do, but can't muster the strength...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Saffy Brings It

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Full Moon Fever

Concentration: Not Just for Orange Juice


Friday, March 18, 2011

Nibbles-n-Bits: Cat Chat With Caren and Cody

Welcome to Nibbles-n-Bits, Catladyland's bite-sized interview feature!  Today I am particularly excited about the interview because it is with one of my favorite people.  Many of you already know Caren Gittleman, the fun, friendly, and knowledgeable co-author of Cat Chat.  I say co-author because if you read Cat Chat, you know her cat Cody is just as knowledgeable and (sorry, Caren) even cuter than his super-cute mama!

Caren and Cody's posts are enlightening, humorous, and I must add they are phenomenal about promoting other blogs and sharing information that is relevant and interesting.  Want to know more about Caren?  Of course you do!

Catladyland: What is the mission of Cat Chat?

Caren: Good question! The mission of my blog is to be a warm and welcoming place where other cat lovers can come to read funny stories, learn about important issues pertaining to cats, learn health information from cat experts (guest bloggers), and see funny photos/videos. It's a place where they can be touched, inspired, or made to laugh. I named it "Cat Chat" (and later added "With Caren & Cody") so that it could be a place where people can come and "chat" about all things "cat"

Catladyland: If Cody were a human, who would he be?

Caren: My brother and I always say that my dad is being channeled through Cody. My dad (whom I adored) passed in 2001 and was a curmudgeon!! He was an Editorial Cartoonist at The Plain Dealer in Cleveland for 30 years, (Ray Osrin), he was known all throughout the country. He was snide, sarcastic (guess they are one and the same)....he could give looks that could kill! He was funny and when he loved you he REALLY loved and cared about you. People used to say he looked like Ernest Hemmingway (I have attached a photo) that I am thinking about it for a famous human movie star he would be: Clark Gable, Cody is tough and loving at the same time, cunning and "Frankly my dear he doesn't give a damn!!!" Musician? Hmmmm.....that is a tough one. I think he is more of an actual song than a musician....for a song it would be "Food Glorious Food" from the musical "Oliver" with music and lyrics by Lionel Bart. Ohhhh I got it! Of course!! He would be "Prince" because when I adopted him his name was "Prince!" He is "the cat formerly known as "Prince!!!"

Catladyland: Fill in the blank:  Don't mind me, I'm just: _______________________.

Caren: "Don't mind me, I'm just "ME", "I am what I am and that's all that I am!!" Love me or hate me, I gotta be "ME!!"

If you aren't already one of the many Cat Chat fans, you should definitely hope over for a visit and don't forget the Cat Chat Facebook page! Thanks, Caren for giving Catladyland readers a peek into the brain of Cat Chat's co-author! Give Cody our best -- we're sure he will approve of all your answers.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Be the Change for Japan

Today is BlogPaws Be the Change for Pets: Paws for Japan Day.   World Vets is dedicated to providing aid to the animals in need following the tragic earthquake/tsunami in Japan last Friday.  To assist World Vets in their critical recovery work, the online pet community is coming together to raise awareness and funds.  Your support will assist World Vets' efforts in finding these animals, administering medical care, and  reuniting the helpless pet victims with their owners.

Can you be a part of the change for these animals in need?  Please consider donating any amount toward World Vets' efforts in Japan.  And continue to raise awareness by joining the blog hop below and/or sharing this post via Facebook or Twitter.  The more we spread the word, the better chances of health and happiness for the animals living in the disaster zones.  Your support will make a difference.

It's Not Too Late to Make Your Cat a Fresh Step® Star!

Guess what?  It's not too late for your cat to become the next Fresh Step® star!  Just head over to Fresh Step®'s YouTube page and upload your winning video!  While you're there, take a look at some of the whisker-iffic entries. There are some really good ones -- here are a couple of my favorites:

This one makes me smile.

This cat just cracks me up!

And, of course, I have to give my smart little Phoebe's entry a shout-out.

So what are you waiting for?  Your cat will be so mad if she knows you had the opportunity to make her a star in the next Fresh Step® commercial and chose to not participate.  And you know how cats can hold grudges... Head over to the Fresh Step® YouTube page now and show the world your fabulous feline!

In full-disclosure, this post is part of a sponsorship campaign with Clorox’s Fresh Step Cat Litter’s YouTube contest in coordination with Lijit Networks, Inc. I received compensation for these posts, but the opinions expressed here are my own. I also run third-party advertisements through Lijit, compensated on a CPM-basis.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Adopting the Internet....Changing Lives

What's so special about:


What's so special about:


What's so special about:


It's simple.  These cats are just as special as your very own cat.  They need love, attention, food, water, and joy to thrive.  In other words, they are very special.  They are also very much in need of a home.  

In honor of Petfinder's 15th birthday, today is Adopt the Internet Day: a day designed to raise awareness on the internet about adoptable pets.  Pets like the beautiful cats pictured above (who are available for adoption right now at Feline Rescue, Inc. in St. Paul, MN) are ready and waiting to give some lucky human the gift of love.  

So please, join Catladyland today in spreading the word about adoptable pets.  There are lots of ways to participate. For example, you can create a blog post, Tweet or share this post on Facebook, send an e-mail, have a conversation, whatever it takes for more people to think about pets like Brownie, Connor, and Dixie...who, by the way, are very, very special.

Cosmo: Pop-Up Skeptic

Cosmo questions the validity of a pop-up advertisement.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday Mish-Mash of Random Goodness

Enjoy the random goodness.

Saw these at Urban Outfitters -- Can I borrow a cup of CUTE??
Salt and pepper shakers!!  Kissy Kissy!!
And look!  My shoes finally arrived!
Phoebe is not fond of the new cats.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Phone Fail

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Helping Our Friends

Looking for a way to help the animals who are victims of the devastating earthquake in Japan? The American Humane Association has set up a relief fund to help the animal victims.  We are holding the people and animals affected by this tragedy close to our hearts today. 

We are especially purring for our friends on "Cat Island" (Tashiro Island), where hundreds of cats live with only about 100 humans.  There is speculation the island became fully submerged during the tsunami. 

Please continue to hold these people and animals in your hearts and thoughts during this difficult time.

Cosmo Snaps

Friday, March 11, 2011

More Than Enough Fluff

Anyone need to borrow a cup of fluff?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cosmo is Boxed-Out Again

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Paws for Success!!

Catladyland's Hearts 4 Paws supply and fund raiser for Feline Rescue, Inc. was a smashing success!!  The initial goal of raising $300 was easily exceeded and we ended February with a solid $400 donation.  In addition, local friends and family stepped up with lots of supplies for the no-kill cat shelter in St. Paul. We collected multiple bottles of bleach, rolls of paper towels, cozy beds, litter, plus lots of toys and treats!

Thank you again for your support -- whether you generously gave money/supplies or helped spread the word.  And a special thank you to Kyla Duffy of Happy Tails Books for pitching in for the cause!

Volunteers Dawn and Jocelyn with me and, of course, kitties!

"Time spent with cats is never wasted." ~ Sigmund Freud

Monday, March 7, 2011

Saffy: Self-Professed Gleek

Sunday, March 6, 2011

You Must Be Mistaken

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