
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Memorable Cats, Memorable Stories

Last week I introduced Hearts 4 Paws, Catladyland's supply/fund raiser featuring Feline Rescue, Inc. in St. Paul, MN.  Feline Rescue, Inc. is a no-kill cat shelter whose outreach programs include a TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) program as well as low-cost spay neuter programs.  Our goal is to collect supplies (bleach, paper towels, small cat beds, wand toys/toy mice) and raise at least $300 toward their operating expenses and outreach programs.  At publish-time, we have raised $140 -- nearly halfway there!  I am confident we can meet AND exceed that goal!

A little blurry, but this is Raja and me!

I recently visited Feline Rescue Inc. and met many special kitties -- heck, all of them are special, but one lady held a particularly special place in my heart.  Some of you may remember back in September when I blogged about an older woman named Raja.  I was perusing and, for whatever reason, Raja's sweet face kept popping up on the screen.  She is a senior kit-izen at Feline Rescue Inc. and I was immediately smitten.

Guess what...I got to meet Raja on my recent visit! As I mentioned in my previous post, she doesn't enjoy the company of other cats, but likes people and will be best in a home where she is the only feline.  Currently, she's the office cat at the shelter and loves to lounge on office equipment and warm the laps of working volunteers!


People are sometimes hesitant to adopt a senior pet; however, remember that these seasoned felines have grown out of that naughty kitten stage and their personality is already formed -- what you see is what you get.  One of the aspects I like best about Feline Rescue, Inc. is that most of the cats are allowed to roam freely.  They, in turn, feel more comfortable and perspective families can obtain a more accurate sense of the cat's personality.  Lovely Raja is still available for adoption -- check out her full profile on  I just know you will be equally as smitten by this beautiful older woman!

Speaking of rescue-cats, I recently had the joy of reading Lost Souls: Found! Inspiring Stories About Cats.  This is the first short story compilation about cats from Happy Tails Books™, best known for their heartfelt compilations about adopted dogs.  These books entertain as well as inform readers about how pet adoptions changes lives.

From Sue, the deformed kitten saved from euthanasia to Shadow, the FIV-positive cat who won over a family and lived 11 happy years to Cesar, who was rescued (along with his family) from an icy dumpster -- these stories touched my heart and inspired a strong sense of hope for our homeless feline friends. I sat with a smile on my face and a tear in my eye the entire time I read this book.  These addicting stories are quick reads -- when I finished one, I couldn't wait to read the next one.  This book is like fuel for the soul.

I definitely recommend you check out Lost Souls: Found Inspiring Stories About Cats.  If you buy this book or any of their books during the month of February (e-book and paperback versions are available), Kyla Duffy of Happy Tails Books™ has sweetened the deal!  At check out, designate Feline Rescue, Inc. as the organization to which you'd like the donation applied, and at the end of the month, Happy Tails Books™ will donate $5 to Hearts 4 Paws (benefiting Feline Rescue, Inc.) for each book sold! You'll be helping the Hearts 4 Paws cause, you'll support Happy Tails Book™'s efforts to create awareness around pet adoption, AND you'll own a fantastic new read. This is a win-win-win-win-win!!!!! 

So again, you can help Catladyland help Feline Rescue, Inc. in several ways:

  • Buy a book from Happy Tails Books™ during the month of February
  • Contact me regarding supply donations (
  • Contribute via ChipIn (using PayPal) -- just click on the below graphic
  • Adopt Raja or any other pet from Feline Rescue, Inc. or any rescue-shelter
  • Help get the word out via blogging, posting on Facebook, Tweeting, smoke signals, airplane banner...

Open your heart this Valentine's season and help kitties in need! Thank you in advance for any support you will lend.

After checking out Happy Tails Book™'s, head over to Up for Pups to learn about Kyla Duffy's creative efforts to improve the lives of mistreated domestic animals.


  1. We hope Raja and all the other senior cats find their Forever Homes soon. And thank you for alerting us to that book! Mom's definitely buying it cos she is a sucker for heart-warming kitty tales.

    ~Slash & Bronzy

  2. So many sweet kitties looking for a home. You are doing a wonderful thing Angie!
    xo Catherine

  3. Good work you are doing, Angie. I've bought "Lost Souls: FOUND!" for my kindle just now!

  4. That sounds like a great book! We hope dear little Raja gets adopted soon!

  5. That was a wonderful post and that Raja is a real sweetie. We're all purring for you sweet Raja!

  6. I love adopting Sr Cats...they are so loving and happy to find a forever home. You are doing such a great thing!! hugs, Linda

  7. Raja sure is a cute kitty and we hope that she finds a forever home very soon. Angie, you sure are doing some great things for all these homeless animals. We hope you can raise tons of money for that shelter. Take care.

  8. I always feel so sad for the senior cats in shelters and rescues. Having already known what it's like to be in a loving home for many years, they must feel so sad.

    Just found your blog today, and now I'm your newest subscriber! ^..^

  9. Angie, you have such a warm heart to devote your time to all of these great causes!

  10. I loved the blog and speaking as the Admiral's mommy, I have a tender heart for senior cats. The book sounds like exactly what I want to read. Thanks so much for featuring it.

  11. fabulous post Angie!! I could barely look at Raja though in that just breaks my heart. I want to adopt all of them!
    Thank you for featuring such a great book too!


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