
Monday, February 14, 2011

Hearts 4 Paws: Lovin' Some Galileo!

Happy Valentine's Day from Catladyland!!  Love is such a big word....we can love our family, a spouse/partner, friends, and certainly our precious pets, but I believe love reaches beyond the boundaries of our inner circle.  These people, places, and pets need love for happiness and survival -- just like those who are close to our hearts.  Enter Hearts 4 Paws! In the month of February, Catladyland is featuring Feline Rescue, Inc., a no-kill shelter in St. Paul, MN.  Feline Rescue, Inc. is indeed a place that needs love to grow and survive.  Within that organization are cats that need that love as well.  Thankfully, Feline Rescue, Inc. is the sort of place that showers their feline residents with attention and adoration.  Most of the cats roam freely and enjoy daily hugs and snuggles; they are blessed to live in a peaceful place until they find even more love with a forever family.  Feline Rescue, Inc. needs love in the form of volunteers, supplies, and funding so they can continue to provide a safe, warm environment for the residents.

We're halfway through February and have raised just over half of the $300 goal I set for donations.  In addition, local readers are eager to donate supplies!  This is all very exciting and I am looking forward to a successful fund/supply raiser and increased awareness of the fantastic work of Feline Rescue, Inc.!

photo courtesy of

Speaking of love...I want to tell you about a kitty that stole my heart on a recent visit to the shelter.  His name is Galileo and he's a very handsome mancat!  Just look at that face!!  This sweet boy was found outside on a very cold day and I'm certain was pleased to land on a warm bed at Feline Rescue, Inc.  Galileo was tested and found to be FIV-positive.  FIV stands for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus and although it sounds scary, it is definitely not a death sentence.

Cats who go outdoors (usually males) are susceptible to this virus, (which attacks and weakens the immune system) and the main threat is secondary infection (bladder, upper respiratory, skin).  With a high protein diet and attention to the treatment of secondary infections, these cats can enjoy a fairly normal life span.  I've read stories of FIV-positive cats who lived 18-20 years! FIV is generally passed from saliva to blood (serious, deep bite wounds) and cannot be spread casually in litter box use or food/water dishes.  On rare occasions it can be spread from a mother cat to her kittens.

meeting the handsome Galileo

Above all, these cats give and need the same life-sustaining love that everyone needs.  When I looked in Galileo's sweet eyes, my heart swelled; I just knew some family would be lucky to welcome him into their home. So please don't discount him or any special-needs pet -- everyone needs and thrives on love. 

You might be asking yourself, "How can I help Catladyland help Feline Rescue, Inc.?"  I'm SO glad you asked!  There are many ways to help!

  • Make a monetary donation of any amount via ChipIn (with PayPal) -- click on the graphic below or on the right column of this blog
  • Donate supplies (small cat beds, bleach, paper towels, toys) -- e-mail me for info (
  • Buy a book (paperback or e-book) from Happy Tails Books™ (designate Feline Rescue, Inc. as the organization to whom you'd like your donation to apply) and they will donate $5 for every books sold during February!  
  • Adopt Galileo or any rescue-pet -- is a great place to start!
  • Help get the word out -- post a link to this blog on your blog, Facebook or Tweet it!

Every little bit counts and we can make a difference in the lives of pets.   Celebrate this Valentine's Day by sharing your love with kitties in need.  And don't forget to lay some major smooches on your own cats!

And hey -- guess what?? My good friends Caren and Cody interviewed me on Cat Chat with Caren and Cody today!  Check it out -- Cody is a great interviewer...

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