
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pilfering Paws

Phoebe is a full grown, 6.5 pound firecracker of a kitty.  She’s the smallest and youngest of our three, and definitely rules the cat tree.  In addition to her Queen Bee status, she’s also known in our house as “Hotfoot” because of her quick-as-lightning pilfering paws and electric escapes.  She’s stolen jewelry, hair bands, sticks of butter, snack cakes, ice cream bars, and a most anything else she can secretly snatch.  She so stealthy and speedy that I only catch a blur of her tiny body racing down the stairs to tuck away the treasures in her crow’s nest.  She stores most her of booty in a cheap, pop-up cat cube that has a few hidey-holes, through which she maintains lookout.  Once, she made away with my mother’s new turquoise bracelet.  Mom made the mistake of reaching inside the cube to retrieve the bracelet and was met with a swatting paw whose message was clear: “Mine!”  It soon became obvious to us that we need to close the lid on the jewelry boxes, stash food inside cabinets, and never underestimate that cat!



  1. Mo-mo used to hide bottle caps and milk jug rings in our shoes. Once I found a stash of over 10 caps in a pair of Spenser's older sneakers.

  2. I love that girl! Hotfoot! Perfect name for her. She is what my my Robin used to be like. Made me smile. Oh, this is Mom..the Admiral is indisposed..(napping).

  3. She is my kind of girl... I love her antics! Alex just steals food.

  4. Haha!! Phoebe is quite the character!!

  5. Love sneaky kitties! Lizzie is quite the little queen bee, too, but doesn't steal--it's not lady-like.

  6. Mojo is our thief. He was sneaking around looking for items to pilfer from everyone at Friday's game night.

  7. This was a great post and made me laugh out loud! Charlie was a 'cat burglar' in his younger days and anything shiny was apt to disappear! This brought back a funny memory of him trotting down the hall with a gold necklace in his friends who had made the mistake of leaving it on the dresser.

  8. Phoebe! tsk tsk tsk.... purrr....meow!

  9. Way to go Phoebe, you're a clever little girl!

  10. You go Girl! My Chelsea was a donut (all pastry, actually) thief.

  11. Phoebe sounds like a real hoot! :-)) What a darling character!

  12. What a sneaky little devil! The only pilfering that goes on here by kitty paws!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Love your Cattitude, Phoebe ... " MINE " : )


  15. Hmmmmm...I am going to have to up my speed cause it sounds like Phoebe is having a lot of fun.

  16. Naughty kitties are always my favorite! :)
    xo Catherine


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