
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Can't Believe I Forgot!!

January 9th marked the Catladyland blog's two-year anniversary.  My grand (well, maybe not-so-grand) plan was to re-post my very first blog entry on that day.  If a calendar is anywhere within eyesight, you'll notice today is the 11th.  Is it tacky to write a retro-celebration blog post?  Well, why start being un-tacky now, right?

Here it is, Catladyland's (then Eclectic Catladyland's) very first post:

Listen Up!

Sometimes it seems to me that the art of good listening is lying limp and lifeless, gasping for air. Are people's brains so disengaged these days that they can't really focus their full attention on what others are saying? For example, more times than not, when I go to a coffee shop and ask for a plain black coffee - no cream, the barista asks, "Do you want room for cream?" Is she bewildered by my shockingly simple order or is she mentally Twittering instead of tuning in? This annoying scenario has driven me to the point of curtly countering with, "No - I said black." *insert laser death gaze here* I'm now one step closer to "crotchety old woman" status - thanks, Starbucks.

You know who's a good listener? A cat. The TV can be blaring, people engaged in lively conversation, neighbors shooting off fireworks, and my cats can hear the sound of a can opener piercing aluminum. These felines could be passed out, comatose under multiple layers of blankets and their eyes snap open when they hear the word "treat" merely muttered in general conversation. I think this keen auditory ability makes a cat the ideal candidate for barista. Why not? Unlimited access to caffeine makes it the perfect job for a creature who is constantly tired and who would look cuter in that little green apron? These super-hearing, caffeine-infused, cuddly critters would be the model of customer service. She'd hear your coffee order as you discussed it with your friend on the walk from the car to the coffee shop. The purring paws of lightening would quickly prepare the beverage and then slide it to you, old west bartender-style as you approached the counter. You'd look up to thank her and she's simply nod and wink, moving on to the next satisfied customer.

Beware humans - as your listening skills weaken and good customer service nears extinction, there's an army of Calico, Tabby and Siamese waiting in the wings, ready to swoop in and whip up a mad Venti Latte.

Image courtesy of FCIT

On another note, the photo cupboard for my other blog, Katt Food, is running bare.  I would LOVE you to e-mail me a photo of your cat.  There's only one requirement: there needs to be some sort of food theme in the photo.  It doesn't mean your kitty needs to be posing with actual food (although that's ok too) -- she can be curled up in a bowl or a bread basket, playing in a soda box, or perched on top of the refrigerator.  Check out Katt Food for some great examples.  If your photo is published, I will provide a link to your blog -- plus, a link to the post will appear on Catladyland's Facebook and Twitter pages.  Please e-mail me your photos, along with your cat's name to  Thank You!!


  1. Happy Blogoversary to you. It's okay to celebrate it after the fact. Enjoy.

    pawhugs, Max

  2. Happy anniversary! I know you keep my mom smiling and I'm grateful. A happy mom means more treats!!

  3. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!! Blogoversaries are like birthdays....they can be celebrate ALL MONTH! Who decreed this? MOI!!!!

    Here's to many more years of "Catladyland!" We <3 YOU!

    Caren and Cody

  4. Glad we crossed paths and Happy Blogoversary!

  5. Happy 2nd Blogoversary! I love your first post:)

  6. Concats on your 2nd Blogoversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. Happy Blogoversary! Here's to many more blogging years!

  8. Happy Happy Blogoversary! Wow, two years! I am so glad I found you this year. Your fun posts make me smile and laugh out loud sometimes! Never too late to celebrate!! hugs, Linda

  9. Happy Second Blogaversary! I think your first post was long as you don't mind the feline barista sampling the milk every now and again...

  10. Happy second anniversary.... I'll drink to many, many more.. I have pictures for you, I just need to have 5 minutes alone with my computer... The last few weeks have been a blur!

  11. Happy Anniversary #2 and 2 days! Time to celebrate!

  12. Happy second blogoversary to you! I don't even have an official blogoversary, since I changed formats along the way and things got kind of screwy for the old posts.

    I think your first post was Awesome !!!!
    And about your other blog " KATT FOOD " I think I love to join : )


  14. Happy Blogoversary and concats!

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie

  15. That first post was hilarious! Mama has images of green-aproned cat baristas in her head!


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