
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Could Your Cat Fresh Step® Her Way to Stardom?

Do you know a cat who's funny?  How about one who's smart or sassy?  I've read enough of your blogs to know there are a lot of them out there in the cat blogosphere -- I share a house with three such kitties! Since we pet bloggers are constantly taking photos and videos of our fabulous felines, why not submit them to Fresh Step®  for an opportunity to be featured in their next commercial? I am going to enter and hope that Cosmo and Phoebe will actually allow Saffy to be in the video.  Perhaps this is Saffy's opportunity for the stardom and recognition she finally deserves!

The contest rules are simple:

-Video size must be under 2GB
-Keep the focus on cats, not humans
-Try to keep it under 2 minutes
-We like cats being cats, not staged
-Try to shoot in good light
-Avoid package labels
-Please no music due to licensing rules
-Title your video and write a small description

You can check out additional contest details, upload your entry and watch some of the other adorable entries on the Fresh Step® You Tube page.  If you do enter, let me know and Catladyland will feature your submission on a blog post!
Grab your video camera for a chance to show America what you already know: your cat is the cutest, silliest, and smartest cat around!

Relax, Phoebe...everyone will get a chance to shine!

In full-disclosure, this post is part of a sponsorship campaign with Clorox’s Fresh Step Cat Litter’s YouTube contest in coordination with Lijit Networks, Inc. I received compensation for these posts, but the opinions expressed here are my own. I also run third-party advertisements through Lijit, compensated on a CPM-basis.


  1. Superstar kittehs! Phoebe's captions is exactly what her expression says... Haha.

  2. Thanks for sharing the tip... Yes, I think many are destined to be stars.

    pawhugs, Max

  3. Thanks for the 411... I know a little someone who maybe interested... :)

  4. Her expression tells it all, she is a star.

  5. We hope that sweet little Saffy will allowed to be in the video!

  6. Can't wait to see your sassy video, Saffy !

  7. Oh wow that could be fun! We take lots of videos but most are longer and of course they have that whole background noise problem - maybe we can edit them somehow. This contest sounds like fun! And Saffy we think you will do great in your video (and Phoebe you will be good too!)

  8. All I've gotta say is good luck to the judges! They're all impossibly delicious. Don't we all just rush for our cameras because they're so darn irresistible no matter what position or action they're in the middle of :-))

  9. Our cats aren't very funny!

    My mom person is going to BlogPaws to with Pet Blogs United. Hopefully you can see her there!

    Nubbin wiggles,


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