
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Why Cat Snuggling is Better Than Housework

Yesterday it snowed a lot in Minnesota.  A lot.  At our house, we received nearly 20 inches of the fluffy stuff and the drifts were so tall, one ate our grill in the back yard!  Our family decided to declare an official snow day and spend the day watching movies, eating snacks, kitty snuggling, and drinking hot cocoa (the older set might have had a splash or two of peppermint schnapps in our cocoa...just sayin').  Due to the lack of anything remotely productive happening in the Bailey house on Saturday, the to-do list awaits us on Sunday.  Blah.  It turns out that ignoring chores doesn't make them go away.  Who knew?  I'd much rather lie around and snuggle cats again today.

Why Cat Snuggling is Better than Housework

  • Cat fur doesn't give me dishpan hands.
  • Arranging a cat in my lap is way easier than folding a fitted sheet.
  • It's way easier to focus on eating snacks.
  • The purr of a cat sounds more soothing that the roar of the vacuum cleaner.
  • Watching my cat "make biscuits" on my leg is so much cuter than scrubbing the biscuit pan.
There.  I've taken my to-do list from ten items down to one: cat snuggling.  I better run to-do list isn't going to do itself!


  1. This was a wonderful good morning to see when we came to visit, and mommy and I agree. We love kitty snuggling. It's a win-win. Especially since I feel better!


  2. I think doing just about anything is better than housework. That doesn't even make my to do list! With all that snow, you should participate in my snow sculpture challenge that I mention in my "Things I Learned This Week Post:

  3. here is another one...Carrying a cat around is easier than lugging a vacuum around…

  4. peppermint schnapps in hot chocolate sounds DELIGHTFUL!!!!! Yummmmmmmmmmmmm......

    I would much rather snuggle a cat than fold sheets ANY DAY! :)

  5. another great thing about cats: they clean themselves. No bathing, scrubbing, soaking, pre-treating, drying or ironing.

  6. Nothing better than cat snuggling on a snowy winter day.

  7. I agree cat snuggling is way better then chores any day. Actually cat snuggling is better then lots of things. Still the chores must be done.

  8. You fold sheets?
    Crap. Something else I failed to learn.

    Better go find a Cat and snuggle instead!

  9. Cat snuggling is so much better than housework. Agreed. purrr....meow!

    p.s. It's Dad who does the housework, anyway. har har har *evil laughs*

  10. You know how to think! Cats far outweigh housework, they thank you for your time - the dust never says a word ;)

  11. Hope you are OK up there! We are now getting your snow and cold and wind!

  12. Here in Florida we don't have snow days, but a torrential rain/thunderstorm day would keep me housebound. And cat-bound. Hey, any day is a good cat-snuggle day. Purrs especially are to my little heart.

  13. My human doesn't need snow to avoid house stuff! Unfortunately for her, we are as bad at snuggling as she is at domestic chores.

  14. Sounds like a fantastic snow day - 20 inches ?!?! Holy wow! Seattle shuts down when we get 2 inches lol!


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