My brain feels slightly unfocused this morning; it's the kind of day when one list becomes three... and pointless, random images pop in-between the really important ideas. You know those kind of days? My thoughts are rattling around my head like little balls in a bingo cage...
B-10: I love my Crockpot. I toss ingredients in its belly in the morning and come home to a delicious dinner in the evening. It's just like magic.
I-6: I still need to mail Christmas packages today. Speaking of magic, I'd like some of Santa's secret powers to jump to the front of the line at the post office later this afternoon!
N-14: I am grateful that my cats have never molested the Christmas tree. I have learned, however, how to enjoy presents without pretty bows and ribbons. The cats are total ribbon junkies -- I swear, they act like addicts desperate for their next fix when they spot a particularly festive package. All three of them do!
G-2: I need to buy 93029384 types of batteries before Christmas. Can't forget. Where's that list?
O-22: It's only nine days til Christmas? Did my cats rig up some sort of time-speed machine so they can receive their goody-filled stocking more quickly? They must have because I have no idea how it got to be December 16. Oh, and have I mentioned my son's birthday is tomorrow and we have two gatherings for him this weekend? Pass the eggnog...with a shot of something stiff!
What did I win?
Too late, Phoebe...too late.