
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rock Around the Body Clock

By nature, I'm an early  bird.  Never mind the fact that I have to be at work at 6:45 am...I just normally wake up before the roosters.  I also go to bed earlier than most adults -- typically by 8:30 pm.  Last night I enjoyed a rousing evening of Scrabble, laughter, food, and drink with some girlfriends and my head didn't hit the pillow until midnight. Thankfully, I don't work today, but guess what?  My body wouldn't allow me to sleep past 5 am.  Why didn't my body clock come equipped with a snooze button?

Admittedly, I am a super-fan of structure and routine, but every once in a while, I'd like the option of "sleeping in" until 6am.  I'm hoping that around noon, I'll look something like this:

...but for now, bring on the coffee!!


  1. My Mommeh is a morning person, too! "Sleeping in" is getting up at 6:30!

  2. They sure do know how to sleep. I'm a morning person too but mine starts at 7:30. Should I even tell you you hate me now? Have a fun power-nap at noon. I'll be kitty-sittin' Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

  3. I get up really early too and I don't even have to work since I am so old. But there are many cats here that think it is always time to eat. But I do like to get up early and agree with you that the body clock needs to be reset every now and then. Have a great day and hope you had a little nap.

  4. Our mom has that internal alarm clock matter what time she goes to bed, she's always up early! Which is good...because we wanna eat!!

  5. Enjoy your nap! I am not an early riser since I've retired. I stay up late and then sleep till around just is what it is! I had that body alarm for's retired also! :)

  6. We always make sure everyone is awake by 5AM, we like our breakfast early!

  7. We are early risers too but what do you do that you have to be at work by 6:45am?? THAT is EARLY!!

    Have a good nap!!!

  8. Oh to be able to sleep like kitties! I used to be a night owl, but my husband changed that! We go to bed before nine most nights and are usually up by about five. Yikes! The cats don't like that they have to wait until seven for breakfast though! Happy napping! --Tammy

  9. I'm with you on the early rising...have gone from sleeping in till around 6AM or so to now getting up between 3AM and 4AM, 24/7. Can't sleep in on holidays or weekends, and I usually catch the 6:10AM bus to work or walk in for 7AM. So I can relate to going to bed at 8:30PM! Not sure I'd have managed to last until midnight, in spite of good company and a rousing game of Scrabble! Hope you get to nap later.


  10. Don't know about an internal snooze, but mom said she would like some way to "snooze" the us cats on the weekends. ;) We say take a nap mid day - that is what we do!

  11. My question is: Do you fold in half like that when you sleep? That's phenomenal!

  12. Ugh - up til Midnight then waking up at 5 am - that is crazy to me! I am of course a pro at sleeping - I think I get it from the cats!

  13. Scrabble is so much fun! You must be ready to crash soon with less than 5 hours of sleep, sheesh!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. By nature, I'm an early bird " Careful !, You can be eaten by Phoebe : )

  16. Sweet Angie
    You sure are an early bird - amazing you were up by 5 AM! And yes, that just looks like the purrfect position for noon :-) They sure do know how to snooze in the most amazing positions. Sometimes I just have to dig my nose deep in a kittie fur coat because their content essence when asleep is just too irresistible! BLISSSSS

  17. I wish I had an internal clock...It doesn't matter what time I go to bed I could sleep to noon. Thank goodness for the alarm clock!

  18. I need 9 hours sleep every night but I work nights so sleeping in for me is 9AM!

  19. Asleep by 8:30 pm and up by 5:00 am? You are my kind of girl keeping my kind of hours!!! Sometimes I even make it until 9 pm! If I sleep past 6:30 am I feel like I have wasted the best part of the day. :)
    xo Catherine


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