
Friday, December 31, 2010

I Know it's New Year's Eve and All, But...

I'm with Phoebe!!!

Wishing you a safe, happy, and FUN 
(even if you don't see midnight)
New Year's Eve!


  1. We say with all assurance that our mom won't make it to midnight. LOL!

    Nonetheless,we wish you all a very happy new year, and may 2011 bring an abundance of good health, laughter, joy, and love!

  2. We know our Mom will certainly not make it to midnight. We wish all of you a very Happy New Year.

  3. I haven't made it 'til midnight for many years! I have the desire, but not the energy.

    Happy New Year!

  4. I agree completely. If I stay awake until 10 pm I think that will be all the wild and craziness I can stand for one evening. :)

    Happy New Year Angie and kitties!
    xo Catherine & Banjo

  5. AGREED!!!!!!!

    We will be up til midnight but we have decided to bring in dinner and spend the holiday with our furbabies! I am sooooooo happy!

    Hubby wanted to go out, I wanted to stay in with the "boyz"....I WON! lol!!!

    Have a happy and healthy New Year my friend, full of allllll the blessings that you could possibly imagine!!!! You have brought so much joy to 2010, you are a gem!!
    Love you!!!!

  6. We won't be sleeping too much too early, legal fireworks here so it will be noisy for a long time. Happy New Year to all of you from all of us!!!

  7. Hi Angie!! I'm so glad I found your blog this year! Thank you for all the laughs! I wish a very happy and healthy 2011 to you and your family (human and furry)! :)

  8. I agree! Happy New Year!

    Your pal, Pip

  9. I make it midnight but just barely! Happy New Year and the real fun starts tomorrow...Rose Parade! My favorite New Years tradition. hugs, Linda & Charlie

  10. Happy New Year - lots of love and happiness to you in 2011.

  11. I'm with Phoebe too! My favorite new years eve's are the low key ones where you hang at home and doze, or maybe miss midnight all together. Unfortnately we won't be having that kind tonight....I hope you and the entire Bailey crew has a very happy and healthy new year!

  12. Phoebe, you are so right I didn't see the midnight but I heard it from my bedroom : ) And...

    Happy New Cat Year 2011 !!!!!!!
    All the best to you and your family


  13. Happy New Year Kitties and mommy and daddy and bean siblings! ♥♥♥

  14. Have a Happy New Year, Angie! We'll make to midnight...We have a tradition of shouting Happy New Year out the front door at Midnight....My fourteen year old will keep us up to make sure we hold true to the tradition.

  15. We are all night owls here - we would be up at midnight anyways! Happy New Year!

  16. Happy New Year! I feel very fortunate that we met on Twitter.

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2011 in Catladyland!

  17. Oh couldn't agree more, but made it into 2011 awake anyway :-)
    Have a fun evening and Happy New Year!

  18. Midnight? What happens then? Are we missing something?

    Happy New Year!

    Yr pals, The Katnip Lounge Kitties

  19. Didn't even get close to midnight around here.

    Have a most Happy 2011!

  20. Lol, so true! I was dozing by 9:30, but managed to keep myself awake until midnight :)


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