
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Paws for Peace!

Is peace possible?  I think so...even in small ways.  Today I am participating in the Blog Blast for Peace, a creation of Mimi Lenox, who believes in the power of the word and the strength of the blog to spread powerful messages like this one.

How often do we allow our focus to linger on our differences instead of the similarities that bind us together?  Maybe we don't have the same political or religious views, but we can probably agree that we love to watch our children succeed, we thrive on love and acceptance, and we giggle watching our cats wiggle around in boxes. 

My three cats rarely (if ever) occupy the same space.  Check out the picture at the top of this post.  Behold, the power of the chipmunk!  See...a single common interest can bring even the most unlikely friends together, if only for a short time.  

So Catladyland's message is this:  When you feel frustrated about someone's beliefs or opinions, stop and look for something on which you can connect.  I'm pretty sure that we are never going agree with everyone 100% of the time, but we can find that common spark.  It's a small thing, but I call that peace.

"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. Thanks for a very nice and "thoughty" post... Great way to start the day with thoughts that bind us together.

    pawhugs to you.... Max

  2. I've seen the power of the chipmunk first hand. My eight all jockey for a spot by a window when we get those chippy visitors.

    Very nice post. A good analogy

  3. "All we are give peace a chance"

    John Lennon and Yoko Ono

  4. Excellent post. Our mom is not so hopeful, because human ego is what it is, but that's all the more reason to strive for peace, respect and understanding in all the ways we can.

    Universal Peace and Blessings to you all.

  5. Peace and purrs to you!

  6. "See...a single common interest can bring even the most unlikely friends together, if only for a short time." So true!! Great post, purrs and peace to you and your kitties today and always!

  7. I see the same thing here, the Power of the Pigeon. You have excellent advice, look for our commonalities.
    Peace be with you.

  8. Peace and love from your new friends in California.

  9. That is such a wonderful post about Peace. It is so true, that if we just look for common things we have with anyone, then it would be a happier world. Hope you have a great evening. Take care.

  10. Peace and love and warm cat snuggles always and ever. Purrs and whisker tickles too. ♥♥

  11. Purrrr....that's why I aspire to be a UN Ambassador of Goodwill. So that all humans and all animals can live happily and in harmony forever and ever and ever. purrrr....meow!

  12. Great post. We like the Emerson quote :). He is a favorite writer of our mom's. Beautiful peace globe graphic too! Purrs-

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie

  13. You make a great point. Sending purrs for peace.

  14. What a wonderful post! I couldn't agree more!

    Your pal, Pip

  15. "When you feel frustrated about someone's beliefs or opinions, stop and look for something on which you can connect" I totally agree. We should enjoy the differences and look for the similarities.

    Wishing you peace, harmony and happiness x

  16. I love this post and so needed to hear these words of wisdom today. Thank you for a wonderful peace post and for blogging for peace.
    Cats rule.

    You are #1916 in The Official Peace Globe Gallery at


  17. Your peace post is now linked in my blog: Peace Bloggers Unite


Paws for Comment!!