
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Men Who Love Cats: Sunday with Spenser

What is it about kids and pets?  If you've ever seen a child racing around in the backyard with his dog or snuggled under a blanket with a purring kitten, you'll agree that kids and animals just have a natural connection. Maybe it's the innocence they share or their mutual love of carefree play.  Or perhaps it's their natural curiosity.  Whatever the case, children and pets just click.  In fact, my daughter calls our Phoebe her very best friend and I love that.

Spenser and Momo

I'd like to introduce you to Spenser.  He is a cat-lovin' teenager who happens to be the son of my friend, Marissa (who happens to write a fan-tab-u-lastic blog -- check it out).  Spenser agreed to answer a few short questions about his love of cats. 

Catladyland: Have you always loved cats?

Spenser: Of course I have. I have ever since I was at least five.

Catladyland: Do you have cats?  What are their names?

Spenser: Yes, I have two.  Their names are Silver and Momo.

Catladyland: Do you have a favorite?  Why?

Spenser: No, because I love them equally, even if they do act strange at times.

Catladyland:  What do you like best about cats?

Spenser: I just like how they can just be so sweet and just be lounge lizards, sort of like me.

I agree -- I think cats are very much like the humans that love them: sweet, strange, and love to lounge!  

Thanks for the interview, Spenser.  Keep on lovin' those kitties -- the future generation of Cat Men depends on you!

If you or someone you know would like to be interviewed for the Men Who Love Cats feature, please leave your e-mail address in a comment or e-mail me directly at


  1. Interesting feature. Personally, I loved to tag along after my Uncle Jim. It's a guy thing, I guess.


  2. I agree about kids and cats. I have a 4 year old human sister and we are the best of friends. She gets along very well with my feline siblings, too! I was always think it is sad when families don't have animals - I feel like the kids are missing out on a special part of childhood!

    Your pal, Pip

  3. We LOVE MEN WHO LOVE CATS! I'd love to find one of my own!
    Check out my post WANTED: A MAN WHO LOVES PUSSY (CATS)

  4. Thank you for featuring Spenser. Our cats love him so much. They truly favor him over me. Silver, not pictured, paces outside of his bedroom waiting for him to get up. She's so anxious to see him that she stretches her sinewy body and paws the doorknob trying to open it.

  5. Great interview! Of course men can love cats!!!

  6. Mr ALC and Charlie have their own 'guy' relationship! I love to watch it.

  7. We totally agree with you about cats and kids. Our Mom will never forget when we had some feral kittens in the house and one of the called Orange boy was there. A little 3 year old girl came to visit with her grandma, and that little girl just walked up to Orange boy and picked him up and carried him all over the house. He had never been picked up before and he let her do it over and over.

  8. I think there's often a stereotype: only women and gay men like cats. Silly. And untrue. But generally speaking, "men's men" seem not to want to admit to a fondness for cats. Cats are more for women, dogs more for men in the average person's perception (IMO). So it's nice to read an interview with a young male who does like cats and who freely admits it. :-)

  9. I love this. And it's certainly true about the stereotype that Kea mentioned just above me here. All 3 of my sons were reared by Robin, a venerable 16 yr. old girl who passed away 2 years before the Admiral came to love me.

  10. Go Spencer! Love those Cats.
    My hubby is a fool for Cats...I love to watch him cuddle and play with our furkids.

  11. loved this!
    My ex loved cats beyond belief! He probably was all over my Bobo as much as I was!
    Lenny loves cats too but in a much less demonstrative way.

  12. I think I would like Spencer if I knew him. And there are not that many male humans who I find acceptable.

  13. Great post ! We never heard much about Man love cats but they do. Like my dad, he really hard to share me with my mom and sister. He always said " Puddy is mine !!! " and I said " You are mine too, Dad ! " : )

  14. Spenser is my kind of man! Man and cats? Hmmm...I'll have to ask Dad. Don't know why but although it's Mama who takes care of us day and night, when it comes to hydrotherapy, we only surrender to Dad. I guess it's the "touch". Yeah...even Mama surrendered to him... sigh.... purrr....meow!

  15. What a good fella, and it's so nice to hear about the generation coming up loving us so much.


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