
Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Kibble Quibble

I'd like to present a little back-story before you read the following cat-comic.  Saffy and Cosmo eat canned food only...twice a day.  They are subject to weight issues and completely binge if a snackin' bowl is left for them to eat at their leisure.  Seriously -- they'd wolf the food and then hack it up five minutes later on the living room carpet (you see, they usually don't demonstrate the courtesy of hacking on the linoleum).

Phoebe, on the other hand, refuses canned food and prefers the kibble-nibble method.  The vet assured me that some cats just don't like wet food and are true nibblers -- that's Phoebe.  Because Saffy and Cosmo would inhale all of Phoebe's food, we can't allow her to snack throughout the day.  Additionally, she won't eat food served in a bowl; she wants to have it presented a tiny bit at a time, throughout the day...and she wants to eat if off the floor.  While she eats, the other two cats zero in on her like hyenas, waiting for her to finish so they can descend upon the crumbs.

Got it?  Good.  Read on...


  1. We cats are all so individual with our unique sets of style in eating and sleeping. This made mommy really laugh out loud. I think there may have been a snort!

  2. Really laughing over this one! Kitties are so unique and only hack where they think it will be appreciated right? or that's what Charlie tells me.

  3. LOL! In our house it's Annie who prefers canned, Nicki who likes both canned and kibble, and Derry who prefers kibble. The boys get very limited dry and when the treats come out it's a frenzy. I try to give Annie hers but the boys gobble theirs down and hassle Annie for hers too!

  4. Too funny!!! My cat will not eat canned food. I've read that wet food is better for her, but she won't listen! So she gets Science Diet!

  5. my kitties all got kibble until we got health issues (diabetes and urinary blockage due to crystals) but I still give it as a treat, and yup, that is pretty much the conversations they have as well.

  6. Haha!

    Hmmm.... why is it that my whole house is basically covered in laminate click flooring except for a 10 x 10 square piece of carpet in our living room and THAT is the space Banjo decides he must regurgitate his dinner??? Just one of the many mysteries about cats I guess!

    Funny post!
    xo Catherine

  7. MOL all of your cats have a really funny eating habit...I have in the bowl but I always save for later on : )

  8. Our 2 cats can relate to your comic "strip" and they (Henry and Buster) want you to know that they would prefer to eat all day long but if that happened our 20 pound cat Buster would be ginormous and Henry would probably stay slim and trim b/c he has a high metabolism. I loved your cats comments...very funny!
    P.S. Thanks for joining in on my THANKFUL FUR 3 THURSDAY BLOG HOP today!

  9. Lol love it!
    So frustrating how they only like to throw up on the carpet... even when I physically pick up Ellie and take her to the kitchen while she's heaving, she'll try to move back to the carpet.

  10. GOD I LOVE YOU!!!!!!


    you ALWAYS make me laugh out loud!

  11. Would life be wonderful if the cats actually hacked on the floors instead of the carpet? Do they try to torture us????

  12. That was pretty funny! I like canned and kibble, but not necessarily in that order!

  13. Naturally Cats like to yak on the carpet! They can hold on.
    Have you ever tried barfing without gripping the bowl? Unsettling!

  14. Oh, I was so glad to read this post. I thought our cat Ginger was strange. She doesn't like canned food...

  15. Wow! What beautiful and big cats you have!! Going to be following along cause these guys are interesting (and I love knowing I can come to you with cat questions in the future!!)! Please drop around my history blog - today I have taken a break from my normal postings to introduce my friends in blogging land to my newest feline friend, Edward!
    All the best for a great weekend!


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