
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Forget Chuck Norris -- Cosmo is the Spitting Image of Danger!

Because I haven't been feeling especially well lately and because I want to share some older posts with readers that have only recently begun following Catladyland, today I am re-posting one of my favorites (from July 7, 2009).  Have a great weekend!

By now, most people have heard at least one...or two hundred and one Chuck Norris jokes. Who dares to deny his legendary, tough-as-nails moxie? If I tried, he would roundhouse kick me, thereby tearing a hole in the fabric of space and time, which would suck me into a parallel universe filled with Chuck Norrises, all waiting to roundhouse kick me. Who would want that? Not me. But're not out of the woods yet. In still another parallel universe lies a cranky, whiskered, tuxedo lad named Cosmo, who possesses a lesser known, yet equally venomous super-skill... danger-drool. Yes, you just read that. And before you set about scoffing at what seems to be nothing more than happy cat slobber, you best read on....

  • In 2004, Cosmo gave the Indonesians a Tsunami for Christmas.
  • The local fire department fitted Cosmo's mouth with an attachment for their hoses.
  • The low lake and river levels have nothing to do with the weather... Cosmo giveth and Cosmo taketh away.
  • During the California wildfires, the officials hung Cosmo from a helicopter. The flames completely extinguished in less than 20 minutes.
  • The eye of any given hurricane begins in Cosmo's mouth.
  • Cosmo was never mentioned or filmed as he hung, open-mouthed, over Jennifer Beals in her famous Flashdance dance sequence.

A roundhouse kick suddenly sounds like mere child's play now, huh?


  1. Hm...danger drool. I did that somewhat as a baby and teenager but I quit. I have to admit to a sparkling crystal droplet occasionally if the petting is especially spot on however. As an older Lady Cat, I have largely put those things behind me. My mom is still laughing out loud in this early morning over the examples of Cosmo's largess..sharing his drool.

    Mommy said she hopes you feel better very soon. She too is not quite up to snuff. You two will have to do better than this. Your cats are waiting!


  2. I'm sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you feel all better soon! And, so does Alex!

  3. Sending purrs that you feel better. we will stay out of Cosmo's way!!!!!

  4. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Enjoyed the encore of this post. Funny Cosmo and I will admire his abilities from afar!

  5. Woohoo! Cosmo is a kick-ass feline, eh? You concentrate on getting well, Angie. Drool or no drool. purrr....meow!

  6. Sorry to hear you're under the weather.

    Say, have you heard of the magical healing powers of Cat Spit? Maybe you should quaff a glass or two of Cosmo's Medicinal Drool!

  7. Cosmo, have a great relaxing, I hope you feel better so soon.


  8. Please feel better soon!!!! Don't like hearing that you aren't feeling well, I did enjoy reading your old post though since I am one that had never seen it! :)

  9. I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well lately. :( Please get well soon! <3


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