
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Do You Hear What I Hear?

If you have a cat, you know there are certain sounds with which you become familiar...

  • The sound of four kitty feet jumping off the kitchen counter (mine they think they're making a stealthy escape from licking the butter dish)
  • The hack-hack-hacking of a hairball
  • Various sounds of shenaniganry, most often heard when we are warmly tucked in our cozy beds: picture frames being knocked off tables, Christmas tree ornaments being pawed off a branch and batted across the floor, and more of #1 and #2
  • The feverishly frantic pawing at the bathroom door when we are seeking a little privacy
  • The raucous rustling of wrapping and tissue paper on Christmas and birthdays
  • The herd-of-elephants sound of cats chasing each other across the floor and up/down the stairs
  • The crunchy crinkle of kitty claws on a scratching post
  • The various meows: happy-meow, feed me-I'm starving-desperate meow, yawn-meow combo, stop rubbing my belly or I'll claw your face off-meow, I'm not going to open my mouth-meow (mrrrrrr!)
  • The crunch-crunch-crunching of kibble and the lick-lick-licking of water
  • And the best sound of all....the purrrrrrrrr


  1. The purr is definitely the best... I love when they lay on you (Alex has taken to sleeping on my back at night) and purr away. Purring is so much better than #2, which takes place SO many times daily in this household (and there is only 1 cat!)

  2. All great, wonderful sounds to my ears, except for maybe the hairball one. Love how cats look so cute and content when they curl up like that. Have a meowy day!

  3. If you only hear silence... nothing... you know we're up to not good. HEE HEE.

    pawhugs, Max

  4. Yes, Max is right! MOL!

    Actually, when Nicki is looking to get into trouble, he meows like crazy. But that's better than his silence, 'cause then the mom knows he HAS gotten into something!

  5. I love the sounds a kitty makes. Well except maybe the hack of a hairball...still the purr is the best!

  6. gotta love "the purr"!!!!!

    I always tell Cody that for a cat he has some awfully LOUD feet! MOL!

  7. Or the sounds of the thundering hoard... who knew tiny kittens could make that kind of racket running down the hall??

  8. I love this list! So fitting for most kitty "owners"! We have three very different sounding boys here - they each have very distinct voices. Ben says, "mao". Oscar says, "mrrffff" and Henry says, "aaa" --Tammy

  9. Love the purrs and the worst is the hacking of fur balls somewhere in the huse!

  10. I love the list..I am so familiar with all of these sounds. I love not only the purr(and best of all, of course) but the sound of what WE around here call "cracking her morsels" when she's eating her dry food is always a smile maker for us..goodness knows why. And I love hearing her lapping water. Go figure. The thundering up and down the hall never fails to bring a smile..and those that are heard in the night...oh, my!

  11. I love the purring and I enjoy her eating as well.All her 'meows' mean something different. Her food prevents hairballs, it seems. But occasionally, I see one. I don't like hearing the up chuck because she swallowed it whole instead of the crunching.

  12. The purr is the most satifying sound of all.

    Sylvester "Huffs" when he's displeased...he sound like a grumpy old man!

  13. Oh yeah we know all those sounds really well at our house! WE also have the squeak that Virgil makes - he squeaks all the time. The hairball one is the one that is least popular - especially in the middle of the night!

  14. Oh...This is really lovely post ! My mom love when I do purrs and she really love to hear my " Tock, Tock " Loud Feet. She love my mieaw. She said it's sweet sound in the world !

  15. My favorite besides the purring is to hear the sound of the cat-scratch post being torn at. That I love because I know my couch is safe for now. :) Love, love, love your posts. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

  16. Mom says cat sounds are music to her ears...

  17. Lol oh the joyous sounds our pets make :)
    My favorite is the uncontrollable squeaks from a squeak toy (and Jon hates it)!


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