I sometimes feel jealous that kitties can sleep most anywhere and succomb to the sandman at the drop of a cat. Seriously... have you ever met an insomniac cat? I know I haven't. How great would be it be to just be able to stop, drop, and sleep? Hmmmmm ... (insert wavy dream-sequence visual here)
Ahhh, the loaf position...tightly tucked and tuckered-out... |
How nice to fall asleep on the stairs whilst mid-play... |
Paws warmed by the heat vent -- how cozy!! |
Yes, sometimes I would definitely like to be able to sleep as comfortably and easily as cat. But I must say that after looking at these photos, 1) I am clear that I really need to get back into yoga and 2) I can't decide if these pictures look more like cute cat imitations or crime scene investigations.
You crack me up. A human doin' the loaf! I think the built in comfy furs maybe help these positions to work out a little better for cats?
ReplyDeleteThis is so funny! If I were to emulate the cats here, I'd be surrounded by 3 very annoyed felines that I'd taken up THEIR sleeping spots!
ReplyDeleteI think it is more like a crime scene investigation!!! roflmao!! You kill me! (no pun intended!)
You are hilarious! It is so funny how they can be going full speed playing & then it gets very quiet & **poof** they are in dreamland!
ReplyDeleteLOL, too funny! You really get into your research, don't cha?! Love it!
ReplyDeleteA HA HA HA...you are too funny!!! Yeah, our cats are like Narcoleptics!
ReplyDeleteMama says if she tried to get into those positions she'd have to call for help! Those pictures were hysterical!
ReplyDeleteMe and mom both LOVED this. This is one of the most original picture series blogs mom has ever read she said. You sure know how to be a kitty cat!!
ReplyDeleteMOL! We bet our mum wishes she could do that. She'd never get back up off the floor again.
ReplyDeleteHi! Just dropped in from the Blog Hop (insert "boy are my arms tired-style joke here). The ability to become instantly comfortable and drift into sleep is indeed a prized possession. We felines have developed this unique skill after centuries of practice. Or we are lazy. I'm too sleepy to think about it, frankly.
Neyland D. Catt
The Fictitious Cat
Oh now that's funny, durn near coughed up my kibble!
ReplyDeleteBest ever! ROFLing all over the place!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have dropped by from my THANKFUL FUR 3 THURSDAY BLOG HOP and I am now your newest follower! Thank you for adding your blog to the link list! If you would like me to feature your blog as one of our newest 3 friends I would be happy to do so if you are a new follower. Let me know via a comment or email me at misskitty32504(at)yahoo(dot)com with a picture and/or description.
ReplyDeleteGood idea with your sleeping positions! I often thought it would be nice to be able to put my cares aside and sleep anywhere, anytime too!
Ha! At least you can get back up! I'm afraid if I curled up on the floor I'd never get back up again. LOL.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting our Fuzzy Tales blog. I'm already following the Katt Food blog...I think. You lose track after the first 250. Haha!
Those are very funny pictures. Made our Mom fall of her chair laughing. That does not look comfy like the cats always do. But nice try. Take care.
ReplyDeleteOMC! That's JUST what my human looks like when she gets on the floor to hang out with me - ANY variation of the above photographs!
ReplyDeleteOMG....This was the funniest post ever! LOVE IT!