Insomnia: I haz it. It's not that I don't adore watching late night Slap-Chop infomercials or aren't endlessly entertained by the roommates' shenanigans on reruns of Three's Company (in 30+ years, Mr. Furley's fashion sense hasn't improved case you were wondering), I just know that around 3:00 this afternoon, I'll hit a wall. And that wall will look nothing like my cozy bed.
Do you know who
never has trouble with insomnia? My cats. Do you think they are up with me at 2:30 am, offering any sympathy or snuggles? Nope.
Phoebe's flopped |
Saffy's sacked |
Cosmo's crashed |
The least they could do is whip me up another pot of that too much to ask?
Ugh, my sympathies to you! I don't have trouble falling asleep, it's waking too early. I leave for work at 6AM and so am up anywhere between 3AM and 4AM. It's VERY rare for me to sleep past 4 o'clock. It's no use going to bed later, because I'm up at the same time and just feel worse than usual. LOL.
ReplyDeleteIf you get lonely in the wee hours of the morning, let me know. I can have alex come over to play. If one of us stirs in the middle of the night, he is all over us, hoping and praying we will get him an early breakfast.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute blog! I could easily be a cat;ady too. We already have 4 :)
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry, thankfully insomnia is something I rarely (if ever!) experience.
ReplyDeleteAdorable photos of the babies!
Oh how deliciously snuggly all of your babies look. They really don't offer a lot of sympathy while they sleep on and we stare wide eyed into the night. BUT if they lay on us and purr, that soothes anyone to sleep.
None of us ever trouble sleeping, but you have our sympathies! Have you tried melatonin?
ReplyDeleteNone of our humans have that least not often, us, nope!
ReplyDeleteAww, they're gorgeous. Bet they don't suffer insomnia! Seems cats have the most amazing ability to just curl up and sleep. Sometimes very enviable. zzz :-)
ReplyDeleteI wake up usually at 2 AM and the Cats all complain if I toss and turn! Lousy little beasts.
ReplyDeleteMy cats complain if I toss and turn too! I don't see them having trouble getting back to sleep, though... ;)
ReplyDeleteI've tried melatonin and that works sometimes. Right now the culprit is an increased dose of prednisone. I'm wearing my jittery-pants!
Love your sleeping cat pictures, Angie. There is a children's book called, "The Napping House" with a cat as one of the characters. They are master sleepers - anytime, anywhere and in any position. Oh, to sleep like a cat. =^.^=
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog and I think I'm going to enjoy being your new follower. I am an in-home cat-sitter and am surrounded by cats every day. I had a kitty that looked identical to your Saffy and her name was Sassy. I lost her 3 years ago to an illness and still think of her and smile. She was a beauty. Great to meet you.Deb =^..^=x5 (Ottawa, Canada)
ReplyDeleteInsomnia is terrible -- especially on a work night!
ReplyDeleteI love the picture of Phoebe, she looks like one of the croissant cats ;)
Catlady -- i think i qualify as a CRAZY catlady. i have eight. and the only advice i can offer for getting rid of insomnia is sleep deprivation. i am usually up by 4am and work long hours seven days a week and am always tired. so when i hit the pillow, i'm out and usually have three cats and a collie on the bed with me (twin day bed) -- its like a slumber party every night. lol. Seriously -- i hope you can find something that works for you so you too can be curled up like one of your adorable kitties :)
ReplyDeletei KNOW. The least they could do is get up in the middle of the night when we do -- after sleeping 17 hrs a day. Not sure how they do it, to be that Zen when the only activity comes in such brief spurts that include racing in the hall in the morning and getting a butt-beat from's a gift...