
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Phoebe the Fearless!

Phoebe is fearless.  She's clearly the alpha-cat and has no trouble constantly letting Cosmo and Saffy know she is the cat-in-command.  Daily, she demonstrates her dominance and daring.

Courageous closet-climber!
Her Highness holding court!

Princess pillow percher!
Dryer-defier!  Seriously...this cat loves the hair dryer and likes air blown her way.  The daredevil!
At the end of the day, even Queenie-Pants needs a nap in a spot of sun.


  1. What a brave lady-definitely my kind of gentlewoman. Now get down from there at once!

  2. all hail the princess! Sheez, wish my life were so glamorous.

  3. That is pretty impressive, you are really a brave one Phoebe!!!

  4. Queenie Pants..Oh I love it!!! Phoebe you are very VERY brave to allow air from the vishus dryer!!! I'm ascarit of that!!

  5. She doesn't run from the blow dryer? That is one fearless kitty!

  6. Phoebe is brave indeed! She reminds me of my queen, Spunky Doodle is brave too. She loves to sit or lay in the bathroom with me while I blow dry my hair. Spunky loves those sun spot naps in the afternoons too!

  7. What a wonderful "Cat in Command!" She certainly is a daring girl!
    Hope you and "Miss Queenie Pants" have a great day!

  8. I love the fearless Phoebe in the closet

  9. All hail the Queen! We're scared of the blow dryer, too, so we stand in awe of your courage!

  10. Not afraid of the blow dryer? Now that's fearless!


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