
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pawsing for Thought....and Some Gelato

I can't believe today is the last day of BlogPaws West!  There's a full day ahead and plenty left to do, but I thought I'd share a few things that I already learned.

  • Twitter isn't as overwhelming as I once thought it was.  Who would have guessed something with a cute cartoon bird as a logo would intimidate me so much?  I feel 95 years old sometimes...

  • I really should always bring workout-wear when I'm away from home....especially if I plan to carb-scarf.

  • Just because I write a humor blog doesn't mean I can't somehow incorporate helping animals in need.  That component can and will be a part of my blog.

  • Dang, ferrets are cute!

  • A speaker yesterday said, "everything you do is your resume."  Even posing my cats in lasagna pans and taking pictures?  Cool!

  • Birthday Cake-flavored gelato is the the shizz...(see #2)

  • My cats don't even miss me a bit...when I called home, they didn't even care to talk to me.  I should have disguised my voice as a can-opener.

BlogPaws has presented an outstanding conference so far and I'm excited for one more day of learning and networking...and maybe another scoop of gelato.


  1. Birthday cake gelato sounds so yummy...reminds me of my favorite flavor of Italian ices - rainbow cookies.... I think the reason i always take work out stuff we me when I travel is I know I will always pig out on something! sounds like you are having a great time....YEAH!

  2. I'm glad you are having a good time, wish I could have been there too!

  3. How fun!!! I wish I was there too.

  4. OMG. Mail me some of that gelato! yum.

    I am gonna try to attend the next Blog Paws, it sounds like a LOT of fun!

  5. Don't feel too bad about your cats not missing you - I do not miss my human at all! P.S. Do you happen to know if my human saved me any of her gelato?

  6. Hope you are having an excellent time at Blogpaws! Next year for the EAST BlogPaws FUR SURE!!!

  7. Love the advice, "everything you do is your resume." Thanks for sharing that one. Sounds like a great time! Very cool t-shirt too. :)

  8. so happy that you are having a great time!! Thanks for sharing!
    Soooo wish I had been there!


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