Monday, September 13, 2010

Man Cat Monday: What is a Real Man Cat?

Because Cosmo thinks everyone calls him a "mama's boy," he wants me to help him dispel that myth and assure you his masculinity is in no way compromised.  He asked me to post these pictures and he would supply the comments.

Real Man Cats get served by their mommies.  We even look astonishingly handsome whilst waiting.
Real Man Cats love to be held by their mommies, even if we look a little crabby sometimes. 
Real Man Cats love mommy-smooches... even if some of us drool a little.
Real Man Cats like a good mommy-snuggle...especially if a fuzzy blanket is involved.
There!  Now if you'll excuse me, my mommy wants me to join her on the sofa to watch Steel Magnolias.  Don't judge me!!  Grrrrrrr..... (are you intimidated by my manliness?)

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