Sunday, September 12, 2010

BlogPaws West: A Tail to Remember

This morning I am getting ready to leave Denver and the BlogPaws West conference.  It was fun, informative, and inspirational! I'm looking forward to getting home, virtually connecting with the people I met, and utilizing some of the tools I learned.

I did not win the Pettie for Best Cat Blog, but my friend Sparkle did.  I was so happy for her and her human!  I know it sounds trite, but I was thrilled to be a finalist among these very popular and established blogs -- I look up to every one of them!

Although BlogPaws West was an experience I will not soon forget, I am looking forward to getting home to my 2-legged and 4-legged family. Will my cats be happy to see me or will they shun me for a day or two?  I'm thinking the former -- I do have cat swag, after all...

Here are a couple of my favorite memories from the conference!

Kyla Duffy's aerial work on opening night -- a performance art message against puppy mills.  Beautiful!
Friends!  Janiss from Sparkle, the Designer Cat and Stacy from Trupanion -- out for a night on the town!
Finally meeting my friend Janea from Paws and Effect!
Getting to see lots of pets, including Snotface the Ferret!  Oh, and I met Stephanie too!
Informative sessions like this one for Lijit -- can't wait to use this on my blog!
The paws were all over it!
Birthday-Cake-flavored good, I enjoyed it two nights in a row!
Contributing to the artist BZTAT's mural, which included participants' heartfelt personal thoughts on animals.
Watching the Be the Change panel was inspirational beyond belief! 
I am the change for animals!  Excited to get home and create some action!
Did I mention the gelato?

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