
Friday, August 13, 2010

Mama Wants to go to Denver!

Last week I entered a video contest to win one of the two air/hotel/registration packages to the BlogPaws conference in Denver. At this conference, I will have the opportunity to network and attend classes on becoming a more successful pet blogger. Additionally, the winners of the Pettie Awards will be announced at the conference and this blog is a finalist for Best Cat Blog (if you haven't voted for that, go here and please vote for As you can guess, I would love to attend BlogPaws!

The great news is that my video made the cut (and not on the cutting room floor) for the final five!! Now it's just a matter of votes to determine the top two that will receive the grand prize packages. This is where I need your help. Please click the link below and vote!! It's super-easy: Just click on my video, "Cooking with Catladyland"...that's it. No need to enter your e-mail address, sign up for special offers, sign over your first-born -- nada! The even cooler news is that you can vote once per day!

So thank you in advance for helping send my butt to Denver, where I will return and make Catladyland an even better and freakier place to visit!

Now, what are you waiting for??? Go VOTE!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm now following you, and would love it if you would follow me, too!

    Crazy Cat Lady


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