I've never been known for my patience. I have a history of getting excited about something and diving in head-first, telling myself I'll figure everything out along the way. The advantage to this mindset is that I'm not afraid to try something new. The defect of this approach is that I don't typically sit down and spend the time sometimes necessary to formulate an effective plan, thus resulting in a less-than-desirable end result. I sometimes laugh at myself...I'm a planner and a list maker by nature -- many times, almost to a fault. But when it comes to launching forward with a new idea, I go from 0-60 in five seconds, with no seat belt.
I just started working on a new project that could be completed at lightning speed and would probably emerge pretty favorably. But...I could also navigate the waters a little more cautiously, explore options, gather feedback, and cultivate an outcome of which I am truly satisfied and proud. This time around, I am moving ahead with the latter. This will be an experiment in patience, but I am certain that by the time I carefully apply the finishing touches, I'll be glad I suppressed my hasty handiwork. Or...I'll be ready to be fitted for my straight jacket.
Good luck with that! Who knows, you might surprise yourself and decide to switch gears like this *every* time. Or you could be more bi-polar like me and flip flop back and forth....ugh! Looking forward to your results.