I sometimes think about some of the cool jobs that are out there -- you know...the ones that seem too fun to be true. I hear about these vocations and think, "This is a job?? For real??" I think I would do very well taste-testing ice cream or concocting the games and puzzles on the back of cereal boxes. People get paid good money to do these kinds of things and I'm a little bit jealous. I possess a bounty of skill and experience in an abundance of areas. Here are just a few of the positions for which I am highly qualified:
- Advanced List Maker (relaxed applicants need not apply)
- Silly Haiku Poet (deranged sense of humor and too much time on your hands required)
- Leftover Food Identifier (housework procrastination skills required)
- Feline Vomit Locator (past experience stepping barefoot in cold/warm piles of cat puke a bonus)
- Excellent Parking Spot Securer (parallel parking not required)
- Giada de Laurentiis Smacker (access to a large cast iron skillet required)
- Project Starter (follow-through not required)
- Cat Belly Pillow Inventor (unhealthy obsession with rubbing your face in cat bellies a plus)
- Old Sitcom Episode Identifier (childhood sitting in front of the TV required)
- Random, Spontaneous Singer/Dancer (skill not required)
Where do I apply??
Hmm, yes, I think my list of jobs for which I am actually qualified would somewhat resemble yours, with the inclusion of Trivial Pursuit Winner and Jeopardy Answer-Knower (misspent youth required). And as to Giada... I like her, she's hot, but she does have that wild animal mouth and her constant over-pronunciation of Italian words borders on the insane.
ReplyDeleteOof, Rachael Ray Ridculer!! "ability to quickly compare her to inanimate objects, Muppets and point out her larger than life obnoxious habits -- a fountain of opportunity exists."