'Twas the day after Halloween at the Bailey abode,
No decorations to hang or costumes to be sewed.
The spider webbing was hung by the doorways with care,
It may stay up for days...I'm too tired to care.
The children ate candy til they fell into bed,
While visions of Now-n-Laters danced in their heads.
Dad and I in our jammies, well after the bash,
Had just settled our hands in the kids' Halloween stash.
When out in the hall there arose such a tapping,
We sprang from the couch and grabbed the candy wrapping.
Away to the kitchen we flew like a flash,
With handfuls of wrappers we threw in the trash.
The hall light was shining a warm glowing light,
Illuminating the children who'd been wished a good night.
When, what to my horrified eyes should appear,
The kiddos looked curious and then they came near.
With suspicious eyes they arrived at our spot,
I knew in a moment that we had been caught.
More rapid than eagles they opened the trash lid with blame,
They pointed, and shouted, and called them by name!
"Look, Snickers! And Reese's! And Twix and Gobstoppers!
And there's Kit Kat! And Twizzlers! And Payday and Whoppers!"
They counted each empty wrapper, looking ready to brawl,
"You've eaten half of our candy -- nearly eaten it all!"
Their eyes-how they glared! Their faces how scary!
Our sweet candy caper now had turned hairy.
Apologies flew quickly from both of our mouths,
As hard as we tried, we were headed straight south.
"But why?" cried the children, their lips curled into frowns,
With no words to say, we could only look down.
"You've eaten our candy!" shouted each angry face.
"Now we have just half a pillow case!"
We spoke not a word, but went straight to their bags,
Half a pillow case of candy? There's plenty to shag!
"You kids have been greedy!" I started to fume,
"Who threw a great party and sewed your costume?"
The children then softened, knowing they'd lost the fight,
In fact, their hearts grew three sizes that night.
But I heard them exclaim, ‘ere they walked back to their beds,
"Have a few more pieces, but hands off the Airheads!"
No decorations to hang or costumes to be sewed.
The spider webbing was hung by the doorways with care,
It may stay up for days...I'm too tired to care.
The children ate candy til they fell into bed,
While visions of Now-n-Laters danced in their heads.
Dad and I in our jammies, well after the bash,
Had just settled our hands in the kids' Halloween stash.
When out in the hall there arose such a tapping,
We sprang from the couch and grabbed the candy wrapping.
Away to the kitchen we flew like a flash,
With handfuls of wrappers we threw in the trash.
The hall light was shining a warm glowing light,
Illuminating the children who'd been wished a good night.
When, what to my horrified eyes should appear,
The kiddos looked curious and then they came near.
With suspicious eyes they arrived at our spot,
I knew in a moment that we had been caught.
More rapid than eagles they opened the trash lid with blame,
They pointed, and shouted, and called them by name!
"Look, Snickers! And Reese's! And Twix and Gobstoppers!
And there's Kit Kat! And Twizzlers! And Payday and Whoppers!"
They counted each empty wrapper, looking ready to brawl,
"You've eaten half of our candy -- nearly eaten it all!"
Their eyes-how they glared! Their faces how scary!
Our sweet candy caper now had turned hairy.
Apologies flew quickly from both of our mouths,
As hard as we tried, we were headed straight south.
"But why?" cried the children, their lips curled into frowns,
With no words to say, we could only look down.
"You've eaten our candy!" shouted each angry face.
"Now we have just half a pillow case!"
We spoke not a word, but went straight to their bags,
Half a pillow case of candy? There's plenty to shag!
"You kids have been greedy!" I started to fume,
"Who threw a great party and sewed your costume?"
The children then softened, knowing they'd lost the fight,
In fact, their hearts grew three sizes that night.
But I heard them exclaim, ‘ere they walked back to their beds,
"Have a few more pieces, but hands off the Airheads!"