* Created a status line on Facebook that would keep me busy in the act of replying to comments
* Played my turns in the 7348723 active Facebook word games
* Watched kids on TV attempt to answer trivia questions whilst riding a roller coaster
* Made a piece of toast and an egg
* Discussed with my mother about the prospect of Phoebe stowing away to work with me in my purse
* Talked with John about his bad night's sleep
Two hours later, I was still staring at the same empty screen. So in the spirit of shameless stalling, I give you this heaping bowl of shilly-shally stew. Be careful not to burn your tongue on the lazy.
Oh how I love to procrastinate. I too often bring up that new post screen, and then let it sit there while I rush off to do things that absolutely cannot wait. Even now, I have another tab open to that screen, and yet I really have to go put in some laundry and make beef stroganoff. So much to do in a day.....